Working for you and your family

Where you need support to make your life easier will be unique to you and your family situation. Whether it is urgent childcare or simply being there for an elderly family member, Lee-Anne has it covered. Learn more about the services we offer and how we can work with you in Lee-Anne’s journal.

Holly Williams Holly Williams

A personal message from Lee-Anne

A simple thing – such as arranging a trip for you or a family member to a medical appointment and back again – can take hours of your time and be a constant worry. With our service, you simply email or phone through the details of what you need, and leave the rest to me.

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Holly Williams Holly Williams

The benefits, for you

At There For You, Lee-Anne is the business owner, operator and customer service - so you will connect with her every time you get in touch. Not only does this mean you are part of a small, exclusive client base, it also means Lee-Anne can provide flexible services and a human connection you won’t find anywhere else.

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